Statistical literacy

With the support of the Otto A. Malmi Foundation, Foundation for Economic Education, the Wage Recipient Foundation and a government grant from the Finnish Ministry of Justice, we are developing the International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP) which deals with the ability to read and use statistics. The contact persons for the project are Reija Helenius (reija.helenius(at) and Elisa Falck (elisa.falck(at) More information about the project can also be found on its website at

International Statistical Literacy Projectin logo

ISLP (i.e. International Statistical Literacy Project), the international project to promote statistical literacy, is part of the ISI (International Statistical Institute) and its sub-division IASE (International Association for Statistical Education). The ISLP has participants from all continents, and it has 176 country coordinators. Its operations are largely based on voluntary activities, in co-operation with associations, universities, research institutes, national statistical offices and educational institutions. The aim of the project is to promote the ability to understand and use statistics in all areas of life. Children and youth are the most important target group. Statistical literacy helps promote a democratic society, where the decisions of both citizens and decision-makers are based on information, not assumptions.

The International Statistical Literacy Project (formerly the World Numeracy Project) was established in 1994 under ISI with the mission of promoting quantitative skills. Since 2010, the project has been managed from Finland. For its part, the project showcases Finnish know-how through the project and its stakeholder groups, such as the Finnish network of schools and teachers. During the period when the project’s leadership has been in Finland the worldwide network of country representatives has been formed, the website has been renewed, poster competitions have been launched, regular newsletters have been published and the importance of promoting statistical literacy has been actively highlighted in the form of conference presentations and articles, both in Finland and in the international community.

Currently, the project's management team includes the following people:

  • ISLP Director, Head of Development Reija Helenius, Statistics Finland (Finland)
  • Deputy ISLP Director Prof. Pedro Campos, The University of Porto (Portugal)
  • Deputy ISLP Director Prof. Adriana D'Amelio, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)
  • Deputy ISLP Director Prof. Saleha Naghmi Habibullah, Kinnaird College for Women (Pakistan)
  • Deputy ISLP Director Prof. Irena Ograjenšek, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

The project's management team works mainly honorary, on a volunteer basis — out of a desire to promote a cause that is perceived as important. In Finland, the activities of the ISLP are supported by the Finnish Statistical Society and Statistics Finland.


Finland's national statistical poster competition 2024-2025 is a part of the Ministry of Justice's Financial Literacy project.

Supporters of the project during its operation have been the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, the Olvi Foundation, the Wage Recipient Foundation, the Foundation for Economic Education, the Otto A. Malmi Foundation, The Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation, Nordea, Nokia and SAS. International supporters have been JMP/SAS and the ISI Tokyo Memorial Fund.

During the last few years, the project's activities have taken wing and the network's faith in co-development, co-operation and sharing of skills is strong. The project and its activities have become prominent in the international statistical community and also in Finland, especially among educational institutions.

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