Yearbook (2024)
The 2024 yearbook will be published at the beginning of 2025. Both peer-reviewed and free-form content can be published in the yearbook, but due to scheduling reasons, the following peer-reviewed manuscripts will be published in Yearbook 2025. The writings can be in Finnish, Swedish or English.
- Manuscripts intended for peer review must be sent by May 31, 2025
- Other manuscripts must be sent by Nov 31, 2024
- Manuscripts must be sent via the website. You can find more information on the website
Sending manuscripts
The text can be sent as a free-form file written with a text editor in a commonly used format (preferably LaTeX, but e.g. Word is also suitable, see more detailed information in the next section). If you send your text as a PDF file, please also send the original files to make the book binder's job easier.
Format of texts
The format of the texts published in the yearbook is free, i.e. they can contain text, images, tables or other content. The print size of the book is B5. Deliver the images as separate files, preferably in pdf format: avoid text size that is too small for the text to be visible and empty margins. Please send references as a bibtex file (bib). Statistical Society's LaTeX template can be downloaded here as a zip package. Send both the original files (tex, bib and pdf images) and the pre-translated manuscript as a pdf file.
If you send the text in Word format, try to use the same formatting, e.g. for source references, as in the pdf document used in the aforementioned zip file. Send the pictures preferably as pdf files.
Peer review
You can find more information about peer review at
The board of the Statistical Society and the editorial board of the yearbook can also decide not to publish the text, if the content of the text is not considered suitable for publication in the Society's yearbook.
Contact information
Editorial board of the yearbook: Tommi Härkänen, editor-in-chief (, Ari Jaakola (, Roope Rihtamo ( and Jyrki Möttönen (
Previous Yearbooks